


Branded Content

MINI approached us to support their "Not Normal" marketing campaign and what resulted was one of Buzzfeed's most successful native advertising programs ever. We built upon their "Not Normal" campaign slogan by creating content that highlighted unique experiences and phenomena. Millions reacted positively to the playful content, with a Nielsen Online Brand Effect study showing that users were 52.2% more likely to agree that "MINI is a fun brand" due to our program.

25 Places That Look Not Normal, But Are Actually Real
10 Not Normal Phenomena That Actually Exist
15 Not Normal Things You Don’t See Every Day
11 Competitions That Are A Wee Bit Not Normal
10 Not Normal Ways To Play With Your Food
13 Everyday Things With Not Normal Names
7 One-Of-A-Kind Eateries In Rhode Island And Massachusetts

To help promote Syfy's new season of Face Off, a movie makeup reality TV series, we created gifs that would show users the amazing transformations that can occur with movie makeup.

14 Reasons Why Movie Makeup Is Amazing
10 Celebrities Made Up To Look Like Other Famous People

For Canon's new Powershot, we featured amazing photography shot with Canon cameras in order to inspire users to go out and take pictures. We also developed and created the first ever original photography offering in BuzzFeed advertising history for Canon to synergize with a 3D street art experience they developed.

24 Reasons Why 3D Street Art Is The Best
14 Architectural Photos That Will Make You Look At Buildings Differently
14 Unique Perspectives On Travel Photography

Cottonelle partnered with us to help raise awareness for their new wet wipe product. Since wet wipes are not as commonly used, we positioned their program to address "things you didn't know." The content primarily consisted of fun trivia about the bathroom and other topics that brought a playful atmosphere to wet wipe awareness.

16 Things You Never Knew You Needed For Your Bathroom
11 Places that Defy All Logic
10 Things You Never Knew About The Bathroom
16 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Everyday Names
10 Other Ways To Say You’re Going To The Bathroom